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Apr 3, 2014

Visual Bookmarking with Pinterest

When was the last time you browsed your bookmark folders?  How many of those bookmarks haven't been accessed since the day they were created?  If you're like me, that would be anything below the bookmarks bar level.  My problem is, there isn't enough information in a few characters of text to remind my why I bookmarked a link in the first place.  Wouldn't a screenshot be better?

Pinterest has become my new solution for bookmarking; boards can be organized to any degree you like, accessed anywhere with an internet access, and shared with others.  Boards can also be kept private, if you'd prefer.  Using the Pinterest extension, you can easily bookmark almost any page.  Occasionally a page will lack any pinnable image, but there's a workaround for that.

Pinning a non-pinnable page

Often a quick Google image search will reveal that someone has already conveniently created a screenshot of the page you are attempting to pin.  If not, choose an image that closely relates to the page topic.  Open the image up into a new tab and pin it, updating the description to a relevant description of the page.  When you save the pin, open it back up using the link in the pop up window.  If you miss the opportunity and the window disappears, navigate to the board and open the edit option on the pin.  While in edit mode, you can remove the existing website source link to the image and update it with the link to the page to which you intend the link to go.  One caution, be sure the image relates to the website that you are linking to.  Pins can be flagged by users as spam if the image is unrelated to the pin destination.